Does the blue color fit Wendy Fiore?! After a few hours’ search in her members page, we reached the following conclusion: Whatever she wears, Wendy4 has always been irresistible, but we think red, black and this blue, which is in the final photo gallery "Peacock", fit her the most! With a hand on heart we can say that we most love when huge natural breasted 32J Wendy is wearing … [Read more...]
Wendy4 -Desert Heat- more pics from this set at ActionGirls
After releasing Wendy4’s set “Desert Heat” in her official website, we rummaged around and found more photos from this set, but – as you can see from those 4 photos – in ActionGirls. For all really great fans of busty 32L Wendy4 Combattente, who want to own the whole set – the 46 photos are waiting for you right here» pictures courtesy of … [Read more...]
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