After a long wait – almost a year and a half, here comes the moment of our interview with the phenomenon Abbi Secraa (also known as Nelli Roono).
The last interview she gave was back in 2012 (by Boobster).
The photos are not from this week, but have not been published so far. And yeah, we are the only ones who have photos of Abbi Secraa taken with a phone. 😉
Thanks to all her fans who got involved with interesting questions.
Enjoy reading!
Abb Secraa OFFICIAL Social media: Twitter & Instagram (NEW) all other accounts are not me.
2B: So, first of all, we are grateful that you continue working after so many years and thank you for agreeing to do this interview with you.
Some of the questions are from your big fans and followers on our website.
Working as a model:
2B: What the best thing about being a model?
Abbi: Since i was a teenager i was aware about my size being bigger than other girls. In fact they were exceptionally bigger but i had concealed the difference back then. Being a model these days allows me to express and display myself now. Sharing my topless photos gives me self satisfaction and deeper fulfilment.
2B: Would love to know if there is still something you love to do and did not have until now, like black and white photography maybe? Or any other themes and ideas you would love to do?
Abbi: Yes this is always a possibility as you can see from my site there have been very varied themes. Also I have changed my style of appearance over the years with my hairstyle makeup and outfits to suit the theme and narrative of the photos and videos. I think it is always interesting that the next release of a scene can be exciting as it is not always predictable which “Style” of Abbi will appear. This will continue for the future too.
2B: What is the funniest thing that happened during some your photo shootings?
Abbi: One time during a photoshoot on a beach, i saw a man who couldn’t help but stop and looking at me as i was topless. I had to quickly conceal my breasts with my hands and then I pretended to swim to make it seem I was in the water for a different reason. However it was still obvious that a photoshoot was occurring as my photographer was clearly holding his camera. I’m sure the man had pleasure in what he saw and then walked away happy im sure. I have had similar situations especially outdoors when I have other spying eyes seeking pleasure from my displays.
2B: Which of the videos you shot is your favorite?
Abbi: I have so many that i would consider my favorite of the over 200 videos that i have produced on my website. Also some of my original postings on were very sensual too. Of a scenario that I favour the most it would be an outdoor shoot on a summers day on the beach as it can be most revealing and sometimes there can be onlookers making it even more exciting sometimes.
2B: You once shot a great scene where another girl dressed as a nurse played with your amazing breasts . . . do you think you’ll ever shoot a scene with another model again, or will you only work solo now?
Abbi: Yes i prefer working solo, while there are many beautiful girls who have excellent photoshoots and content i prefer to keep to myself for this.
2B: Who has the ideas for your photoshoots?
It is a combination of me and my team who produce the website. Of course i always consider suggestions from my loyal fans who often write me messages. My main aim is to please my fans too.
2B: For many years already you have account only in Twitter, have you ever thought about creating accounts on other social networks like: IG, FB …. Patreon & OnlyFans. Is the language the only thing that impedes you?
Abbi: Well I was trying to have FB account. Attempts were made two or three times, but always my account was blocked by FB administrators. Only Twitter has never blocked my account Yes sometimes I am thinking about new social account, but after failed attempts with FB I resigned myself to the fact I would never had account on this social network. Now my approach to any new social media account is very cautious. I have began a new IG account so we will see how it goes
2B: Do you consider implementing PayPal payment options on your website or some other alternative payment options other than CCBill for those who can’t process their payment with CCBill?
Abbi: Implementation of alternative payment option has not been considered yet, but as the landscape changes in the future we may consider this, but for now it is staying as it is.
2B: Do you enjoy your work? Do you like being photographed and filmed?
Abbi: Yes I really love displaying and posting. I have always loved this since the beginning. It is my desire and goal to always deliver exciting updates to my website members.
Questions about your amazing bust:
2B: In your real life, do you like to show cleavage or do you prefer to wear conservative?
Abbi: As a woman I do need and enjoy attention. I do enjoy the sensation that I am attracting the gaze and attention of admirers. While I do like to wear tight clothes and reveal cleavage from time to time, it’s exciting to sometimes cover my bust with a thin veil such as a shawl which is transparent. I prefer to choose one’s eyes which will be focusing on me.
2B: Are you inclined to do a walking in public video with normal clothes on so we can see people’s reactions?
Abbi: We do prefer not to show any people on our website due to their privacy.
2B: Does it bother you when someone is talking to you but look at your cleavage?
Abbi: Honestly speaking I am not bothered by this. I am quite used to it at this point. Furthermore when I am talking to someone who I find attractive it can be exciting why I spy them glancing at my cleavage. It is a natural thing for many people to gaze… especially men!
2B: At what age did they start to grow?
Abbi: My breasts began to grow when I was 12-13 years of age. At the time I had no idea how big they would become. As I got older I was concerned that they may never stop growing.
2B: Do your breasts still grow and what is their size now?
Abbi: In recent years I have noticed that they have grown larger again! I have had to order new custom bras to fit my breasts comfortably and prevent any accidents(wardrobe malfunction!) when in public on the street! It’s not a surprise to know that it is very hard to find a bra that is suitable for me. Lately when I search online my cup size that i need to buy is 95J (european cup). However my type of cup is different from most women. Only custom made bras can cover my breasts like normal bras. According to the lady who bespokes my bras for me she has stated it is a model bra cup of a K Cup.
2B: What is the best thing about having boobs this size? Do you enjoy having them?
Abbi: Men’s attention – this is the best thing my boobs size gives me. Yes now I do enjoy having them. Up until I was 16 years of age I was worried about my breasts size. However as i became a fully grown woman my breasts allowed me to have more opportunities which were definitely facilitated by men’s attention.
2B: Did you ever felt your breasts as a burden?
Abbi: Apart from being burdened with the weight of my breasts and difficulties with shopping due to the vast difference between my bust, waist and hips I have not felt them as a burden.
2B: Do they cause you back problems?
Abbi: Yes my back and spine feels the weight of my breasts and sometimes I have the urge to lie down and relieve the heavy burden.
2B: Can you do sports with them?
Abbi: Only forgiving sports such as chess or bridge naturally! but seriously it’s hard to play sports with such big breasts. I do enjoy the swimming pool, however when I enter it, I feel that I am focusing the attention (especially men) of many people in the pool with me. Additionally in more recent times I am not willing to be recorded without my consent by smartphones which I do see people using sometimes. I do enjoy biking and walking which are the most comfortable physical activities for me.
2B: Do your wear a bra at night?
Abbi: No! I have relief when I don’t have to wear a bra! My breasts are released every evening from when I shower until the next morning.
2B: Where do you buy your bras?
Abbi: Unfortunately I have to order bespoke and sometimes online, only customs-bra can fully fit my breasts. Some of the bras I bought online were used mainly for my photo/video sessions and occasionally in daily life. But mainly I have to wear custom-made bras. If any readers are interested in buying my worn bras from my shoots they can request information on this email
2B: Please, share with us a good and a bad moment you had because of your boobs.
Abbi: Thankfully there have been many good moments! Over the years I have met a lot of men who were willing to make contact with me. Some of them were really interesting, intelligent and smart men.
2B: Have you ever met anyone in person with boobs as big as or bigger than yours?
Abbi: In real life no, I have always been the largest that I am aware of.
2B: Several of the big models in the last 20 years have made Breasts Reduction (Some years ago, you surprised your fans with the movie “Talks about Breasts Reduction”).
Are you going to have a breast reduction after ending career or even before?
Hopefully the answer here is: “NO, never 🙂
Abbi: No, never!
General questions:
2B: What are your favorite TV-series and movies?
Abbi: There are few sitcoms which are watched by me in polish TV regularly called every day like Pierwsza Milosc or Na Wspolnej. There are some favourite polish movies and other sitcoms like: Znachor, Ranczo,, and many many more, recently Krol. For American content I love Dirty Dancing and Grease. I like to watch home and garden or house hunters programmes. Another of my recent favorite programme is 90 days fiance.
2B: What do you like to cook?
Abbi: I enjoy cooking a lot of soups of Eastern Europe variety (: krupnik, rosol, zurek, barszcz czerwony (barley soup, broth soup, red borscht). I recently made some Malaysian and Thai soups as well. From my regular dishes which are prepared by me I cook various chicken dishes ( even Thai ) and turkey dishes. I love to cook spaghetti bolognese or Bulgarian moussaka. Also for my Japanese readers I recently made my first sushi! It is not so hard task – really, anyone should give it a try it is very tasty too.
2. 2B: Favorite vacation spot?
Abbi: Preferably where there are nice beaches and I can sunbathe my breasts in good weather. I like the water wind and sunshine.
2B: What places would you like to visit?
Abbi: India, Istanbul market, in the USA i would like to visit places connected with Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.
2B: Do fans recognize you on the streets?
Abbi: Well I feel looks at me in admiration or surprise due to the size of breasts. From time to time it is a steady gaze from an excited onlooker, however I am not sure they know who I am as i have yet to hear someone say on street: “Hello Abbi”!
2B: Do you have any talents we may not be aware of? No matter how trivial you may think they are.
Abbi: I have training in clothes making so maybe tailoring and tailoring design. 😉
2B: What is your education and if you do anything other than modelling, what is it?
Abbi: Secondary school education, tailoring school.
2B: What qualities do you find most attractive about a man?
Abbi: Intelligence, ingeniousness.
2B: What are some passions of yours?
Abbi: Flowers, gardening, tailoring, if i was to win millions in the lottery i would start looking for old houses to renovate them, bringing them back to their glory years and hopefully sell them on with profit!
And finally:
2B: Would you change anything? If you can go some years back…
Abbi: Well everyone could think about changing something in their lives if they could go back. If I could go back some things would be changed, but my desire for posing and exhibition would lead to the same place where I am today. I just love posing and showing myself to my admirers too much!
2B: What are your plans for the next few years?
Abbi: Will continue modelling on my exclusive website and maybe start with some tailoring stuff.
Abbi, thank you for the interview. We look forward to you working as a model for many more years and delighting your thousands of fans around the world.
JOIN» for more pics and HD vids!
Thank you very much for this insightful interview. It confirms my opinion of Abbi as an intelligent woman who has found a deep satisfaction with her life.
Thank You so much, she´s one of my favorites :).
She’s a true big-boob legend!!!
Abbi is the best in history, she has no equal now, and never will Abbi has no competition.
Thank you for this. If I’d conducted the interview I wouldn’t have known when to shut up. She’s by far my favorite.
Great interview! Thank you 🙂
Abbi Secraa is the most beautiful boob model in the world!
So the waiting for this interview was totally worth it and these pics are special too! I find it interesting to know so much about Abbi who seems to be a very lovely lady with humour and sense for style etc. I`ve learned that she has bra size 95J and that she really loves the modeling and tries to keep it fresh, but also in the glamorous way we all love so much! And I want to say that Abbi is one of the few models who had the courage to pose with less make-up and I love the natural look of her pictures and videos too, I love everything about Abbi, thanks for the interview!
Thank you Abbi Secraa for this great interview!
WOW! It’s so nice to know that she enjoys the attention and is not intimidated by it, but rather recognizes the power her breasts giver her and simply enjoys it, like she should. Also, she doesn’t even think about a reduction and dowsn’t see them as burdens!!! I like her even more now.
If only every big boobed woman thought like this. But most of them are ashamed or just want to get rid of them (and they are WAY smaller than Abbi… how ironic)
Great interview 2busty and thanks to Abbi for telling us more about her to Fans of Abbi secraa❤️❤️❤️❤️
Great interview 2busty,
This has been a crazy year with everything going on with Covid and Abbi taking more than a year to write back I just wish their was more in depth questions to be asked about the future of her website. I.e. future of her videos whether their be more updates or in a higher quality format (2k or 4K) and if she would consider opening up an online store selling photos or autographs. Again thank you 2Busty for putting the interview questions together and making this all happen.
Thank you for this interview. Abbi is a very beautiful and intelligent woman.
I have always thought that she makes her own clothes…not the bras…but her clothes.
There are bigger but none better She is the Earth Queen
Please consider showing video in public and in everyday dress.
What comments from your husband and children would you consider to share?
I would love to know what her bust is measured at in both inches and cm.
Ich weiß auch nicht, Abbi ist eine der wenigen Erotikstars, die mit zunehmenden Alter, immer schöner und interessanter werden.
Abgesehen von ihren beiden ‘Wahnsinns-“Freundinnen”‘, entwickelt sich ihr Gesicht und ihre Figur immer mehr zum Bezaubernden.
Si Miosotis Claribel avait été plus intelligente, moins sous influence et mieux conseillée, elle aurait été indétrônable !!!