Comments on: Xenia Wood – I’m ready, are you? Reporting about big boobs since 2001 Mon, 11 Jun 2018 17:44:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: nagib Mon, 11 Jun 2018 17:44:34 +0000 what are you ready for

By: carlos Sat, 02 Jun 2018 12:50:23 +0000 naked you are as simple as one of your hands,
Smooth, terrestrial, minimal, round, transparent …
You have moon lines, apple paths,
naked you are thin like the naked wheat

By: Mad driver Tue, 06 Feb 2018 07:36:01 +0000 I like Xenia Wood very much. Your nipples, your boobs are so hot.

By: Len Heggarty Mon, 05 Feb 2018 20:57:59 +0000 Xenia,
To show your full breasts, even behind a veil is to show you have nipples. So to show your nipples off it would do wonders in these photos to have erect nipples. To rub a little bit of cold ice onto the nipples to make them rise would do wonders for the photo. The aim of the photos is to show you off and to make money. So your breasts are to be shown at their best, as they are the money-makers.
I also would not wear black pants. The pants act as a contract and attracts the viewer to the pants and to your hips. That is NOT what the viewer is to look at. The boobs, the face and the boobs should be about 85 percent of the photo. Everything else is to be just 15 percent in the viewer’s mind. What you are presenting are your boobs, and your face. So you present that combination, the Boob/face to face/boobs. That is you. NOTHING, I mean NOTHING, else matters in how you are photographed.
Xenia, you are big boob model. Your boobs with your face is who you are and your income.

By: Craig Geoffrey Fransham Sat, 27 Jan 2018 16:17:01 +0000 Xenia Wood is a beautiful and elegant woman, she is sexy and fit, and she has perfect boobs, nice curves and she is a Female Nephilim due to her physique. I worship Xenia Wood as a Goddess and my own personal Female Saviour and Female Messiah to save me. Xenia Wood fills me up with so much energy. I love Xenia Wood.

By: lisasuzanne Fri, 26 Jan 2018 19:16:02 +0000 I think Xenia is hot, she is slowly getting
there., you can see those lovely breasts thru
her top.. I would love to see those Girls and
her nipples.
I’m only a DD, I would have shown mine by now.. lol


By: Mark Wentz Fri, 26 Jan 2018 14:56:36 +0000 What is the appeal of this woman? This is nothing more than an over hyped, half ass marketing campaign from Ewa Sonnet, who it is pretty clear knows nothing about marketing. I said all along that the majority of her pics were shot from the waist up not to show how big her ass is. Look at last pic above, a full body shot, her ass is huge! There are far more better looking women and women built much better than her to even be bothered by seeing more pics of her. Enough is enough lets move on and find a better looking and slimmer model and not have to put up any more BS from Ewa Sonnet, I for one am tired of seeing and hearing about this woman. For you older folk this is as bad as the “new coke” campaign from the 90’s and that what no where too!
