Mark Wentz, Dennis Rog, Zorken, Peter, Matt, BigD, DanielK, Cameron ….. (and all the others that never stopped hating), we’ll bet with you because we are tired of such comments.
If these two sets go out and Vivian Blush is not topless, we stop publishing news about her. But if in one of these two updates we really see Vivian Blush topless, you will make up the bet yourself!
We are thinking about making an ban to anyone who wrote only negative comments about Ewa Sonnet and Vivian in the past few months, but we guess you can think of something more creative 😉 – for example, an apology letter (to Ewa and Vivian) that we will post here.
Click here to see» the UNLOCKED photo gallery of Vivian Blush
all pics are courtesy of
From your lips to God’s ears…and it not hating. I have no ax to grind with Vivian Blush. The simple matter is I dont like to be duped. No one like to be taken advantage of, and every situation I have had with Ewa Sonnet has been negative. How many times do you have to realize that the stove is hot and before u stop touching it. I have no issue with Vivian Blush. The way I see it is she is a neophyte to this industry and Ewa has given her bad advice and taken advantage of her. So let me say this, if Vivian goes topless I WILL post a letter of apology. If not you write that Ewa is a scam artist after all….seems fair to me
what this babe needs to do is showing off all of her boobs not to cover them up guys like myseft love seeing big busty babe showing it all and happy hoildays to all of the busty babes here., tom protzman.
I would love to see Ewa Sonnet, Xenia Wood, and Vivian Blush all topless together in a photo shoot !!!
how can someone hate busty girls? ban them all
I would just like to say there is absolutely NO HATE in my posts about Vivian or any other model and there never will be. I’ll reiterate not verbatim what I said in my previous posts. She is STUNNING and I would sign up and pay to see this GORGEOUS & STACKED Beauty nude on her Web Site.
Yes!! About time.
Xenia Wood is however hopeless case I’m afraid.
A childish reaction to childish posts.
Very well, @2busty, the bet is on!
But before stating my conditions, let me make some things clear. I don’t hate you or Vivian.. I just hate the way Ewa manage her stuff and keep luring people to her site by overstating the quality of her content and by describing it as “super duper sexy stuff that you want to see” when it’s clearly not that. And I also think it’s funny how you pretend that this whole non-topless thing is so hot and awesome when it clearly isn’t. Well, it’s your job, I totally get it and I don’t condemn you for that, but I’m just not falling for it.
Now, I don’t know about you, but on my part, an acceptable topless video MUST attend to ALL of the following conditions:
– Vivian has to gift us with a FULLY UNCOVERED view of her two breasts and nipples. Absolutely no attempts to hide her breasts or anything of the sort. No pasties, no angles that make it impossible to see the nipples, no turning her back to the camera, NO TRICKS. NONE.
-The above mentioned view of her breasts must last for long. Not 1 second, 2 seconds or 10 seconds.. I’m talking about AT LEAST 5 MINUTES of UNINTERRUPTED EXPOSITION OF TOPLESS BREASTS.
– And finally, breastplay. She can’t just take her tits out and keep pretending that nothing has happened. She has to SHAKE them, SWING them, GROPE them, MASSAGE them, you know, she must at least attempt to do something sexy with them… it’s not that hard.
And that’s it. Any producer willing to put even the minimum amount of effort into making a topless video is fully capable of meeting these conditions. If her topless video (that must be published before New Year’s Eve, as you said) falls short on any of these conditions, I won’t even respond anything…
However, if the video attends to them, I will come here and praise Vivian an Ewa for giving us what we expected and apologize for all the hate, and I will also stop criticizing her in your posts. Or you can just ban me forever, feel free to do what you want.
And that’s it.
I’m glad they addressed that I recognize what Xenia and Vivian is going and I’m not mad at all everyone has a certain Style and although they are teasers that’s what makes it sexy if you want to see a bunch of boobs jumping around go to a porn site but I appreciate what they’re doing they’re making it classy and is still sexy. Tell them don’t change a thing “you can’t demand art from an artist, you get the art that they portray”… those words are by me
“you can’t demand art from an artist, you get the art that they portray” – Thank you! That’s the rule of all things in life. The way some of the other posters go ‘she has to do this, she has to do that’ is preposterous. It’s like, no she doesn’t have to.. Just like she doesn’t get to demand that you buy her stuff.
The entitlement mentality is so strong today in every branch of the entertainment industry, it’s just silly. Vote with your wallet, simple as that. Don’t act like some child whose favorite ice cream flavor is not available.
@jume4 reading comprehension must be a real challenge to some posters here. When I said “she must do this and that” I was talking about this bet that 2busty just came up, the conditions that, if met, would make me recognize that I lost the “bet”. There, that’s it.
Vivian is and was always free to do what she wants, and people are free to opinate on that. It’s THAT simple. No comment has the power to force her to do things she doesn’t want to. If we just can’t express ourselves, let’s just get rid of the comments sections altogether..
I’d pay my full blood sister $50,000 just to have hot incest sex with her!!!!!!
I also ready said I will write a retraction if she goes topless before the end of the year..lets wait and see