We can classify this news in the good ones 😉 This is what Milena Velba wrote on her website for all her fans:
“4 years ago, I decided to start a new education and it is 1 year now since I have started working in my new full time job. Unfortunately I find less and less time to model for this site and now I realize that it is not fair to offer just one or 2 photo-sets per month for my members who have supported me and my work for such a long time. I know some of you support me since 2004 when I started this site. Thank you so much for keeping this website alive for over 13 years. I will keep this site open and maybe, change the design and functions for making it easier to browse through my photo and video archive. If we will find the time we will try to offer the old clips in higher quality. I will not disappear completely. I am sure I will find the time to work for my friends at www.nadine-j.de
Until then … take care. Thank you. Kisses. Bye bye. Milena
P.S.: All Instagram-, Twitter-, Facebook-, whatever socialmedia pages that use my name, are fake. All of them!!!”
sep 30th, 2017
We are now more secure about the future of her website, also why not seeing her again as a guest model on Nadine Jansen website. 😉
The shots are from Milena Velba’s latest photo update “Jogger“.
Click here» to check out more of 2busty mega-legend Milena Velba
images courtesy of milena-velba.com
Another news received by email.
Jorge Fonte has written a small book about the common favorite Milena Velba. The book “A Day With Milena Velba” is a 50-page one and is available in versions for Kindle and Paperback, we’ll be happy if you write a short review in the comments after reading it.
A Day With Milena Velba
It is a fiction story based on real characters
A Spanish journalist travels to Germany to meet the queen of the Internet’s big tits, Milena Velba.
The next day, Carlos took a plane to Berlin. He had managed to convince old Ramirez, the editor–in–chief of Mercury Magazine, that there was a good story there. “Three days, I’ll give you three days” he had growled enraged, he was always enraged, from behind his desk seconds before Carlos closed the door of his office.
The first thing he had to do was get in touch with the author of those fantastic photos. The night before he left for Germany, Carlos had taken advantage of the time by conducting a small preliminary investigation through the Internet, thanks to which he had discovered that the photographer of Milena Velba was called Daktari Lorenz and that he worked for Model Meyhen agency. In his web he found an email and, after presenting himself, he arranged with him a meeting for the following day. And it was there that Carlos went to Berlin and left the bags in a comfortable and rather flirty little hotel that some friends had recommended.
Lorenz was a very peculiar individual. In the 1980s, before beginning his career as a photographer, he had been an actor in several independent experimental films by the German director Jörg Buttgereit, for some of which he also composed parts of the soundtrack, with titles that, despite his great cinephile, Carlos was completely unaware, such as Horror Heaven (1984) and Nekromantik (1987). But Carlos deduced that his career as an actor (or as a musician) should not have gone as well as he expected, since according to his research in 1996 he had opened in Berlin a Japanese culture shop called Tokyo Radar (the business was running until 2003). But it was clear that Lorenz had a strong artistic side and that at some point he left everything to devote himself entirely to photography.
They had been summoned in a very central brewery and although, as usual, Carlos arrived a quarter of an hour early, Daktari was already there before a large pitcher of blond beer. Carlos identified him immediately. He had seen some photos of him on the Internet and his image was easily recognizable. Approximately fifty or so, his bulging blue eyes, shaved
head and a cap, and the short–necked sweater, with no undershirt
underneath, made him look much younger.
When Carlos approached him, he hurried to get up by giving him his hand and offering him a free chair in front of him.
“Hello”, it was everything he said in Spanish, with a German accent so deep and closed that Carlos mentally thanked his parents that they had enrolled him in the German School to take all the high school there. So when he returned his salutation with a rather academic, quite correct pronunciation, Daktari could not help expressing a resounding expression
of relief, letting out a snort that almost completely emptied his lungs. Since he had received the email from the Spanish journalist he had been wondering in what language they were going to communicate since the spoken English was not his strong and of Spanish hardly knew two words.
“So you’re writing an article about Milena?”, Daktari waited for the waiter to bring Carlos a pitcher of the same beer he was taking to get into the subject that had brought them there. Not that he was in a hurry, but he was a practical German and a leader who did not like to waste time.
Carlos took a few seconds to answer, not only because the Mediterranean character is more leisurely, but mainly because he was sipping a sip of the delicious beer that had been served.
“Yes, yes. But before I talk about her, I’d like to know a little bit about you. The truth is that your photos have enchanted me. They have an artistic quality infrequent in the framework of Internet models.”
Daktari, this time yes, he took his time to respond. So much so that even Carlos wondered if it was because he had said something wrong in his somewhat rusty German. But when a few seconds later he saw a wide smile on his face, he knew he understood it perfectly.
“Well, you surprise me. Most people, especially the press, are interested only in the Milena’s Große Brüste.”
“Well, the truth is that I would like to give a more humane approach to the article. More human and more artistic. Tell me, I understand that you too were an actor and a musician.”
It was evident that Carlos had touched the sensitive fiber of Daktari and this one was illuminated the face, and the ego, to verify that the Spanish journalist was everything a professional.
“Oh, but that was a long time ago. You are very well informed. As a young man I always had many concerns and pointed to any artistic movement that would arouse my curiosity. But time proved that he was neither a good actor nor a good musician.”
“And how did you get to the photograpy?”, Carlos asked the question slowly, as if he were dragging his words in a conscious attempt to get directly to the subject that interested him, but without being noticed too much.
“During the filming of Buttgereit films I was always interested in the work of the director of photography and when there were scenes in which my character did not intervene I would sit next to him to see how he composed the plane, how he illuminated it, what goals he used or how I placed the camera. It was a real school for me. With the little money they paid me for the movie I bought a good camera and started taking pictures like crazy.”
“And when did you specialize in the nudes?”
“Oh, that was by chance”, Daktari paused to finish his beer and warn the waiter to bring him another. At the end of 1999, one night I was at home watching TV, I do not remember what program it was, when a red–haired stewardess caught my attention.
When the waiter arrived with a new pitcher, Carlos took the opportunity to ask for something else for him and something to bite, but when the waiter looked at him with a weird face, he realized that this Spanish custom of the aperitif did not exist outside our borders and we had to conform to continue drinking without anything solid to put to the mouth.
“Her name was Bettina Guderle”, Daktari went on, “and she was the most charming and crazy girl I’d ever met. As soon as I told him that I was a photographer, he immediately asked me to make a book, so one thing directly led to the other and that year we produced a calendar that sold very well.”
Carlos, attentive to what he was telling him, remained silent waiting for him to continue with his story, and when Daktari saw that the Spaniard was really interested he repositioned himself in his seat and continued speaking as if his audience was not limited to a single interlocutor.
“Well, then we did several sessions for a catalog of underwear, and that’s when I found out that Bettina worked as a stripper in a nightclub. One day, someone hung a picture of her on the Internet and she was very angry because the image was of very poor quality and that could hurt her professionally. So he called me and asked me to make some good pictures. And so it all began.”
Although Carlos had put a small digital recorder on the table, he did not stop taking notes in his notebook. He always did it during the interviews, not only as a preliminary guide to the article but also because in face of his interviewee that gave him a touch plus of professionalism. He discovered it during one of his first works when asked “Do not take notes?” And when he answered no, he noticed a certain degree of mistrust in his interlocutor. Since then he takes notes although they really do not need them.
“At that time, the erotic web market was dominated by two big … what I say big, by two North American monsters, Scoreland and Danni Ashe’s website, Danni’s Hard Drive, which had more than one million members Worldwide. But we, of course, were much more modest.” …
You can buy it at Amazon
Amazing news!!! As for the book, well, the English is weird but, fuck it, I’ll buy it and give an honest assessment.
The author is a professional writer! However, his command of English is not at a high enough level to write in as he would be able to in Spanish. A good litmus test of his ability to write in English would be to simply read the sample given here a few times and see if you can make it through without feeling frustrated or confused. Very glaring grammatical errors (as well as punctuation and spelling) that are obvious from his thinking in Spanish and translating directly into English; which for ANY language is a major faux-pas! It is most noticable when it comes to gender (saying he/his or she/her interchangeably). Sentences also end very abruptly at times or run on. Very desperately needs professional editing!
Also, this is an obvious fan-fic. He wrote it as if he were the protagonist, Carlos. That is fine though because despite it being a fan-fic, it feels authentic and believable… well, until you reach the end.
Mr. Fonte obviously has skill enough in his writing that, despite the language barrier, he can weave a good yarn. It flows nicely enough and the mood is set well! The thing to take away from this is that, it isn’t an erotic novel, it’s not about “hurr durr tits” it’s about a fondness that the author and, I suspect many other men (myself included), have for this woman and what she has done over the decade. It feels like a really long “Thank you Note”. That’s what I got from it. It reads like an ecchi manga. “Awestruck young man meets favourite big-bust model, has no idea what to do but composes himself and rises to the occasion”!
Given the subject matter, his style (despite the language barrier, again) and the length of the book on top of the fact it is a fan-fic… this is actually pretty well written considering he could have down a much more different and, ahem, “overt” route!
I recommend it. It’s not gonna blow you away, you’ll get a laugh outta it (especially if you speak English natively, you will cringe but laugh) and he put more effort into it than simply writing what 99% of other writers of fan-fics on this subject matter write.
6/10. Needs to be edited! It flows nicely, needs to describe setting more, good at setting mood though.
It may not be 2 sets per month but any Milena content is greatly appreciated. Let’s hope there’s still Milena to go.
Also, @2busty wake up!!
Yesboobs announced yesterday that they would be working with Cassie0pia, one of the most promising new commers.
We released this especially for you 😉 photos look like shot by mobile phone or webcam and we were waiting for Cassie0pia’s next update.
Sorry for my English. I have tried to translate it as best as I have known, but obviously it is very difficult to write in the language of Shakespeare without being native. Originally, the text is written in Spanish, and when it was translated, some errors occurred. I knew it. It was a risk I wanted to take, because my intention was to share the book with all the Milena fans. That’s why I put it at the lowest price that Amazon Kindler allowed: one dollar.
Thank you for your comments. They seem fair and precise.
I will try to give the text to a professional translator and republish it.
Thank you
jorjee no te disculpes. si no les mola tu acento ke se jodan, ellos lo tienen facil todo en ingles y nosotros tenemos ke saber 70 idiomas. a lo ke importa: te la follaste? sabes is va hacer hardcore cuando se kede sin dinero? 😀
Para poder responder bien a tus preguntas…. vas a tener que leer el relato.
To answer your questions well … you will have to read the story.