A few days ago we mentioned that we love wet shirts with big boobs underneath and here that busty European legend Milena Velba released her wet video, too. In BikeWash 2014 you can see how to best wash a very beautiful red Harley Davidson. If you’re wondering why the video title ends in “2014”, we can only say that the super gifted Milena is crazy about motorbikes , she owes several Harley Davidson, made countless trips to Europe and the Middle East and has filmed very good video and photo sets with these 2-wheeled beasts. Download the video from the official site of Milena Velba and enjoy those amazing big natural tits.
Click here to join» her personal website and enjoy all her photo&video content
screenshots & shortvideo are courtesy of milena-velba.com
la moto roja le hace demostrar sus cualidades ( PECHOS DIVINOS )
MILENA, Your sweet look and innocent smile are the perfect combination to sigh of love, your beauty has no point of comparison and the red bike makes you demonstrate your qualities (DIVINE CHICKS)