A unique new photo set of busty Polish celebrity Ewa Sonnet in 84 photos – she’s posing in almost transparent white shirt against the crystal clear water on Paradise Island. She may not become world famous with singing, but that angelic face, delicate body and huge, perfect huge boobies Ewa Sonnet deserves to be on the cover of every men’s magazine!
Get access to the full photo set in Busty.pl – Continue»
pictures are taken from busty.pl
Everything that’s been going on with “Ewa Sonnet”, is one fat LIE. The girl in the picture…her real name is BEATA. The guy that’s been pretending to be “Ewa Sonnet”is a punk excuse for a man by the name of PRZEMEK RISTOK. Get to know that name very well because there’s gonna be a lot of factual truth on him coming to light very soon. He answers all email and questions posted to “Ewa” on their facebook sites. It’s all a cover up for a nasty Human Trafficking thing that’s been under investigation for the last 3 years. Yes, Beata is aware of it too. Probably doesn’t give a shit about about it, because the money it supplies, gives her the freedom to go on more Holidays, and take lame pictures like the ones above. Neither has a heart, but that’s o.k. the Truth is coming out now, all of it.
Every 4 – 6 years there are TWO full moons in a month,and that particular event is called “a blue moon”. EWA, thanks for ALL of YOU, Lady Inspiration.