Outside is bitter cold and the forecast for this week is for heavy snowfall and sharp cold across Europe, but the latest video of Polish titstar Abbi Secraa (Nelli Roono) is hotter than ever. “City & Villagge Evenings” video is in 2 parts – in the first Abbi is in red trousers and white T-shirt that strongly adheres to her large natural forms, in part two she’s lounging like a cute little kitten in front the fireplace. How could you resist this hot video? Let there be -20’c outside! 😉
February may be the coldest , but natural busty babe Abbi Secraa promised to share 3 very hot updates this month!
Join now and enjoy» The Hot February in your room when it is cold outside!
short video courtesy of abbisecraa.com
Out of 58 photo of Abi Secraa Nee Nelli Roono! there was not a single one of an unresticted view of her breasts, not a single one…WTF is that all about. I thought this site was all about big breasts not hidden big breasts…
We live in country where topless or nude pics/videos and explicit adult materials is PROHIBITED by law. This is not a joke!
Sorry Carroll.
In your newest offerings to we subscribers…of Abbi Secraa…I am more than delighted .. Carroll Bennett IS entitled to his opinion . Keep up the good work…and the posts .
Resting and / or waiting for someone ABBI is totally seductive