The newest gallery of busty natural milf Milena Velba “Contemplativa”, which translated from Italian, means “contemplative.” And so we gaze at every new photo, related to herself from her first appearance on the Internet in her inventor Nadine Jansen’s site back in 2004. Since then we are some of the biggest fans of Milena and we have almost every photo and video galleries of her in our archive.
And some news from Milena Velba – she will make again Caribbean trip, in which wants to include new models with big natural busts (this is mandatory) If you meet this condition and want a trip to the Caribbean and then to return with professionally shot photo sets, send an e-mail to the address listed on the site of Milena. If she doesn’t find new models, we hope her to find mega natural breasted Miosotis Claribel, who lives there and make as many sets that we can watch all year! 😉
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MILENA: LOVE does not know of distances, because the words also embrace, the verses also caress and the sighs also kiss …