If we have ever liked somebody’s legs, different from those of busty Kelly Madison, these are the super sexy legs of Wendy. They can be less than 2m long, but they are with small elegant kossuth ankles, slightly emerged lower legs and small knees… and what to say about her tights!? And with the blue dress and sunburned skin, Wendy4 Combattente is just stunning!
All photos with Big melloned Wendy4 from “Blue Dress” gallery in section “Snapshots” can be downloaded from her official website»
images are courtesy of wendy4.com
Hello. I added your blog to my links page. If you like my blog, you can add mine if you like 🙂
i wish i could take a bigger ‘cup’ [then take a dip with wendy in it] on a warm summers afternoon in the california mountains…
i knew a young very tall women once who was [soooo top heavy] she had to rest herself on me every time we meet up in her small bedroom for [fun]
would [wendy] like to meet up with me sometime?[near the woods] sneak out on a summers evening for a dip in a lake area…
And Wendy Fiore have 32J according to her website. Not 32L. Its generous of you to put her a L cup but she’s “just” a J cup lol. =P