189mb in HD format is the last video of busty and sexy Kelly Madison, uploaded on her site. She is posing in the studio on a gray background, dressed in white lacy lingerie. And what happens with the massage oil, you will know when you download the entire video. As the saying goes, big natural boobed Kelly Madison is oiled throughout the ear, and with a lot of oil. Now you’ll want to catch her –but she will slip away like a fish. 😉
Click to see more awesome photos & videos of Boob-tastic Kelly Madison»
video from: kellymadison.com
gareth says
they are just sooo big when she releases her bra you realise there are not many women out there who have such a big chest…[combined wih a nicely rounded figure]
i saw on dannis hard drive once and she is such a turn on [with her office workers]
gareth says
she needs a gentle spanking…
gareth says
if i could gently take off her bra and then take a bath with her somewhere in a hotel …[then go outside into the country for some exercise and fun…?]
gareth says
i think kelly would look good in black lingerie…[with no bra] and some high heels …down on all fours …now pant like a dog …]