From Actiongirls continue to churn new galleries with super models. Here’s the newest photo set from today with dazzling brunette Wendy Combattente. The set is filmed on outdoor tennis court, and huge breasted 32L Wendy4 is dressed in short denim shorts and white t-shirt with very low neckline. We have always wondered of Actiongirls’ photographers and those of her personal site – we do not know how they shoot, but their lenses are usually poked at the neckline! Do not get us wrong – there is nothing wrong in that, just the contrary – we like it a lot. But we know she has very beautiful legs as 34FF Kelly Madison and super tight ass, let they pay more attention to the whole body!
Check out the gallery here or visit for more of Wendy Combattente and her wonderful tits»
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Please keep them coming. Greets!!!